Yes, it will assist child who are prematurely born
Physiotherapy can benefit anyone who has difficulties with their physical skills;
Physiotherapy by playvelope is family-centered and interdisciplinary. This means that we always start with the questions, “What will work for this child?” and “What is right for the family?” If physiotherapy is deemed to be useful, then the physiotherapist will propose a treatment plan.
However, we do not think solely in terms of physiotherapy; we think about the mix of therapies that will help the child. In Playvelope, the therapist are not just under one roof; they plan together, train together and work together on a client file. It is an integrated approach to helping the family.
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Yes, it will assist child who are prematurely born
Neurodevelopmental teaching (NDT), bobath, motor learning and others according to child needs.
As early as 1 day old
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Play & Development By Seremban Occupational Therapy Centre (SOTC).